Helpful Drawing Exercises
1. Draw only what truly interests you.You should find subjects that inspire you.
2. Accept opportunities not obligations: If there isa time limits or uncomfortable circumstances ora complex subject to begin to cause stress just stop and adjust your expectations as to what can be reasonable.
3. Please yourself not others: Sketching, drawing should be seen as a continuing source of enjoyment and learning rather than a string of performances for other people. Sketching is a highly personal process. It must first work for you if it is ever to be useful to others.
The Process of Drawing:
1.Hand-eye coordination and learn the process and learn the process of "building" sketches. Drawing skills like athletic skills require constant practice to assure peak performance; when we fail exercises them, we lose perception, concentration, relaxed awareness and dexterity.
Exercise 1: In this exercise use your none-drawing hand as a model, ( Contour Drawing )
1. Starts with longest lines and edges.
2. Keep your pen on paper and your eye on the subject , try to trace the edges and folds of your hand as if your are touching them with your eyes.
3. No Rush! calmly, observe the changes and nuances of the forms you see. Build a habit of concentration and observation.